About this site

Simple as possible with WordPress right now. Twenty-Something theme. Blocks. Minimal plugins.

All content written by a person. No AI tools involved.

No ads. No social media links. No affiliate links. No tracking that I am aware of. No external analytics. No images I don’t have rights to. Let me know if you find any of the above and I will remove it.

I WAS using one SEO content analysis plugin for my own information and amusement, which did not phone home, and was not connected to anything outside of this site. Turns out, that wasn’t very informative or amusing. So that’s gone.

Before I nuked it, that SEO plugin showed that this page scored 62/100 on whatever that SEO plugin thought search engines care about. It’s probably lower now, so you probably came here on purpose.

Thanks for doing that.

Update July 6, 2023: Now explicitly blocking googlebot. Let’s see if that works. If so, thanks again for coming here on purpose.

Update Aug 10, 2023: Now explicitly disallowing OpenAI’s GPTbot. Let’s see if that works, and if the other plagiarists offer the same thing for their LLMs. If not, let me know if you’ve heard this one before…

Update July, 2024: Now explicitly disallowing all the AI scraping bots I can in both robots.txt and ai.txt.

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