Links 4

Any counter can count things, but R?ta counts things AWESOME. I love everything about this. Go look at it and love it as well, or never come back here.

It’s an idle game! It’s a breakout game! If you go play it, and you have a certain simple kind of brain, you may not be able to stop. I lost about a day to this stupid, simple game.

“It might be our data, but it’s not our breach.” Funny thing about this: In terms of how hosed you are when (WHEN) companies screw up like this, it makes no difference which of them manages to not be legally responsible for completely mishandling the information you trusted them with.

Ghostsigns is a collection of photographs of old hand-painted signs in the UK. It is pretty great.

I wish he had not made the airport

I rip on the Eagles a lot, but generally, that’s just to have fun with my loud friend STEVE. I really don’t give a shit about the Eagles either way.

I never really got why people would take take the time to announce their hatred of the Eagles. I kinda figure it’s some kind of Lebowski LARPing. That makes it doubly not worth thinking about too much, which is both semantically and mathematically difficult.

I believe that there is a lot of common ground between people who genuinely love the Eagles and the (probably really very small number of) people who genuinely, really, actually hate them.

For instance, today at the grocery store, “All She Wants to Do is Dance” came on the PA. Now, if you seriously hated the Eagles, you would just hate that Henley solo tune on principle.

But if you love the Eagles, all that they could do well, and all that they managed to be, you really should also hate that guy for well, everything about that song.

Again, I don’t really care about the Eagles either way, but someone farted in the waxed paper aisle while that song was playing, and I really thought they made a good point.

Links 3

This made me laugh out loud. Keep the link for the next time you need an analogy for an app idea.

A Taxonomy of Access Control (Schneier on Security). In an elegant nutshell, this feller has defined the four states that a key or account or whatever can be in as “safe, loss, leak, and theft.” It’s a very elegant and simple set. Linked to Schneier because the source is a paper on cryto wallets, and no-one has time for that shit, and also because the discussion on Schneier’s post is mostly interesting.

I have started listening to John Finnemore’s Souvenir Programme, which is a comedy series from BBC Radio 4 and so far, I like it.