
If you are free, and you want to, you should make stuff

Here is a very nice article called “Everybody’s Free (To Write Websites)” by Sara Joy. I found the link through one of my RSS feeds–it showed up in at least a couple of them.

As you can tell from the title, the article is about web sites, but you can apply the same ideas to pretty much anything you like to do.

If you like making things, keep making things.

There are always new things to learn, and new ways to approach what you do. You will always feel like you are falling behind, and there will always be lots of voices telling you what you should be doing.

With any luck, you will never feel like you have it figured out. You’ll always think you can do it better, or that you should feel better about what did. You’ll always feel bad about the things you didn’t make very well, or didn’t finish. You’ll always want a do-over. Always.

That means there is no downside to making more things. Or to trying more things. If you make things, the worst regret you can have is that you didn’t screw up as many things as you could have in order to learn more things you could have done better.

If you like making things, keep making things.

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