Category Archives: Short Post

Because not social media


The daxophone is a relatively new instrument. Like the electric guitar, it uses analog pickups to amplify sounds the player creates with a simple physical interface. This is the type of instrument I like most.

This video shows how the daxophone is played and some of the sounds it can make.

This album by the remarkable Kazuhisa Uchihashi is super fun music music played brilliantly, and probably the most accessible example of what the daxophone is capable of as a musical instrument.

The daxophone is a pretty interesting way to get sounds in general.

Same as it ever was

The UK’s competition watchdog has found streaming has made the music industry challenging for many artists.

tl:dr: A very small number of people make a shitload of money from popular music. A slightly larger number make not enough money from popular music. Everyone else makes no money from popular music.

Worth a read, if only to find out that you are probably part of the problem.

On the upside, popular music has never been so cheap.